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Beautifully-Ornated Sutra Box
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
A seafarer who stopped by in town said he saw a beautifully decorated sutra box in South China. Someone from the temple is very interested in that story. The seafarer showed it to a monk in Yuntaishan, so he might be able to describe it to you.



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- Language/Edit History
1. [ZONE:90005942] - speak with Monk
2. [ZONE:90005942] - speak with Shopkeeper
3. [ZONE:90005942] - use [DBLINK:30000035] ,[DBLINK:30000020] near Monk
[IMG:01] 1. Detailed, Golden Pattern
I have one of those sutra boxes. The box is decorated with a depiction of the Pure Land using a type of gold lacquering. The fine patterns of gold accurately depict the pure land described in the sutras. The shopkeeper should know more about the gold lacquering technique.
[IMG:01] 2. Gold Lacquer Techniques
Gold lacquering? It's a technique used to decorate lacquerware. A pattern is carved into the surface of the lacquerware and gold leaf or gold pattern pressed in. This produces a fine golden pattern. The technique was popular since the Song dynasty. Crafts using gold lacquering are sold.
[IMG:06] 3. Sutra Box decorated with gold lacquer
The beautifully decorated sutra box has a depiction of pure land created through the popular technique of gold lacquering. The fine detail of the gold patterns is very attractive.
The monk in town has one, so go and see him to see the box.
Discovery Reward :
520 Adventure exp
Card Reward :
[DBLINK:70001988] 260 Adventure exp
Quest Reporting Reward :
[DBLINK:01500232] , 200 Adventure exp , 90 Adventure fame
- Discovery
Sutra Box with Gold Lacquer ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:520 Fame:235
A box to store Buddhist sutras believed to be from the Yuan Dynasty. The box depicts the paradise realm described in the sutras.