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Prayer Sutras
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from a religious scholar. The scholar is studying about the propagation of Buddhism. He wants you to study about Buddhist sutras found in the Korea region. I'm sure the scholar in Hanyang will be able to help you out.



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Hanyang Hanyang Archives - Talk to Scholar
Pohang Pohang Mansion - Use
Observe and

Numerous Sutras
Buddhism was transmitted to this region during the Paekche period, flourished in Silla, and continued to the Goryeo period. Evidence remains in the form of many surviving sutras. One of the most famous sutras of the region is one written by an author to pray for the defense of the nation during the invasion of the powerful kingdom of Khitan.

Desires Expressed in Sutras
It seems many sutras remain from the period where Buddhism was introduced to the region. Some are kept in the mansion in Pohang. Examine them immediately.
- Discovery
Woodprints of Tripitaka Koreana ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:380 Fame:190
The Tripitaka is a collection of sutras.
With the impending invasion of the Khitan, their creation was started in Goryeo as a prayer for national safety.
They were completed in the mid-13th century. There are said to be over 80,000 printing blocks.