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      Identifying the Unidentified
      No Expiration
      Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
      Your investigations of the catacombs of Lima appear to be going well. I'm not sure why, but T'ika has something he wants to discuss with you. Probably something about your investigations. He's apparently been muttering something about ghosts and food. Well, he's always talking about food, but this seemed like something different.
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                    [IMG:Quest_Chain] [DBLINK:70001384] (Central Capital) [ZONE:90005818] [DBLINK:70001705] Upper Floors [DBLINK:99997104] [DBLINK:70001708] Middle Floors [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to T'ika x2 (Tavern) 2.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to Barkeep 3.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to T'ika 4.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to First Class Merchant x2 (near Tavern) 5.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to Naval Officer (outside Church) 6.[DBLINK:10000151] Talk to Famous Explorer (left of the Church, before North Lima Gatekeeper) 7.[ZONE:90001088] Click on the Stacked Boulders in the North-Eastern corner of the map (Thanks to DB for the original guide!) [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] ! ? Ummm... Do ghosts get hungry, do you think? [IMG:01] The Smell of Food Ahh... Your investigations... You know... at that church and all...Sometimes, well... there's a smell... like potatoes and quinoa... I think someone... somewhere... is eating... But no one's there. But... Well...Master... He has problems. [IMG:01] The Master's Problem What? Problems? What are you talking about? Oh, you've been talking to T'ika, have you? Well, lately we've been losing food. Hey, don't you start thinking it's T'ika! I know he wouldn't do that. But he has been saying something strange. He keeps telling me "The Ghost of the Church is eating it!" [IMG:01] I'm more Worried about the Food I...never see... ghost. But First-Class Merchant did. He saw... It had food... left town. What we do... Potatoes... Corn... everything else... Will it... take my food too? [IMG:01] The Testimony of the Merchant Shh! Keep your voices down! Hah! I'm glad I talked to T'ika. He got you all to come and look into this. Actually it's a bunch of thieves who operate out of the catacombs under the church that are stealing the food. I saw them with my own eyes! [IMG:01] The Cautious Merchant I didn't know who to tell. You never know with them or who might be listening in. They might try to stop me from talking. Permanently, if you get what I mean. I'm a merchant. I buy and sell things. I'm not suited to investigations. But still, I talked to the town's naval officer and some fairly famous explorers. [IMG:01] Investigating the Thieves Ah, so you heard his story as well. Of course, we're investigating. We're pretty sure they're a different group than the ones you ran into there. They have to be based in one of the less explored areas. What I don't understand is how they're getting in and out. [IMG:01] Searching the Church You want to know how they're getting in and out of the catacombs? The church isn't always open. They close the doors when making repairs and such. So it can't be through there. Which means there has to be a hidden exit somewhere out of town. If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably somewhere north of Lima. [IMG:03] As Expected After carefully searching the area, you find a place where the dirt is a different color to that around it. After a bit of digging, you unearth a rather light stone. Moving the stone, you reveal a tunnel that seems to stretch back towards the catacombs. It is likely the passage you are looking for. You replace the stone and cover it back up with dirt. [IMG:06] Finding the Hidden Passage You have found a passageway to the catacombs under Lima, but you feel you cannot enter without permission. You decide to return and report, before you renew your investigations under the church.

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