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      Carved history
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      The other day, some ruins were found due to the river overflowing, right? Research of those ruins has begun, but there's a request from the research team asking for your help. They want you to get any kind of information about the ruins. Do you think the Guatemala city official might know something?
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [DBLINK:10000161] - Talk to City Official x2 2. [ZONE:90002097] - From the Stacked Boulders that are located at the northern edge of the map, go south-east and look for a tall step-pyramid -- use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000016] at its base Pre-Quest Required: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997026] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] Carved history [IMG:22][QUEST:99997571] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. According to what has been passed down verbally, the history of the dynasty is carved into stone somewhere. For someone who has been into the ruins such as yourself, you must have noticed the pictures carved into the castle walls and some pillars. They apparently serve the role of characters. We can't read them, but may be difficult to decipher even for you with the languages you have learned. [IMG:01] 2. Paintings and lettering For the history to have been carved in, there must be a large rock densely packed with pictograms. However, do you remember the sequence of events of the discovery of those ruins? Yes, the overflowing of the river. There are probably many portions that have been worn away by erosion from the water. Just from investigating once, there will probably be many things that you won't get. [IMG:06] 3. Be diligent in your investigations I learned that the history of the ruins is carved into the very ruins themselves. But they aren't characters, but the unique pictograms of the dynasty and deciphering them will be difficult... I'll go to the ruins and look at the pictographs myself.

                    • Discovery
                    • Relief of the Stairs ★★★★ (Religious architecture) Exp:630 Fame:260
                      A large stairway showing the history of the Copan kingdom written in hieroglyphics. The stairway was severely damaged by river floodwaters. It will take a great deal of work to decipher the script.

                      quest b4 this one gave great exp

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