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      Imparted burial items
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      The request is from the team researching the Copan river ruins. A lot of tools were excavated which had the sides worn down by a cylinder. The large number means they were in common use, so they may still be in use today. If the use is known then the back ground of whoever buried it might also be known. Please gather information in Guatemala.
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                [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005837] - Talk to Seafarer 2. [ZONE:90005837] - Talk to Barkeep 3. [ZONE:90002097] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] in southeast corner of map Pre-Quest Required: [IMG:31][QUEST:99997026] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Closer than you think Hmm? A tool in that shape is that thing, right? You know, that food that you're probably often eating, the mashed up corn. I feel like it's the tool that is used to grind up the corn. Well, if it's about this stuff, rather than me... Hey boss! [IMG:01] 2. Burial goods That is correct. That's a traditional food, so that the tool used would appear is a given. In that spot might be buried a cook like me. They bury you with the things that you loved in life, right? [IMG:06] 3. Up to the grave There's a high possibility that the stone tool tht the investigative party found is one that is used even now to mash corn. It is theorized that the person buried there is the one that used it, in other words, a cook. I'll head over to the ruins straight away and verify the tool. [DBLINK:70001675] [DBLINK:01500232]

                  • Discovery
                  • Mano ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:290 Fame:145
                    A mano is a tool for grinding corn. The ground corn is then kneaded into a flour to be eaten. This tool has been used in the preparation of food since ancient times.

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