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The Andes' mother god of the Earth
No Expiration
Lima Adventurer's Guild
Around here, it seems that something interesting is done before drinking alcohol. It's pretty traditional behaviour, aparently. Find out what sort of act, and what it's for. You should be able to hear about it in the Copiapo taverns.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1. [ZONE:90005811] - Talk to Seafarer
2. [ZONE:90005811] - Talk to Seafarer (Buy him a drink to make him talk)
3. [ZONE:90005811] - Talk to Barkeep
4. [ZONE:90005811] - Search left at the Barkeep guy
[IMG:01] 1. Goddess of the earth
I'm not originally from this city, but i know a good story! Come on, don't you want to hear it? Then come on, buy me a drink! What do you say?
[IMG:01] 2. Before the investigation
Hey, thanks! Now, let me spill a little of this liquor on the ground, and... I guess you're surprised, huh? But this isn't too unusual around here. This is a symbol of our gratitude for the corn we grow that allows us to make our liquor. Right, Master?
[IMG:01] 3. A prayer before drinking
The reason we can grow and harvest corn is the earth goddess. So whenever you guys take a swig of Chicha at this bar, it's all thanks to the power of the earth goddess for growing the corn for us. Is it not like that in your country? Here, this is a statue of Pachamma. Feel free to look, but don't break it, okay?
[IMG:06] 4. The Pachamama there
It liiks like this area has a custom where they give thanks to the earth for answering their wishes for fertility before drinking liquor. I should investigate the barrel near the bar master. It has a statue of the earth goddess.
- Discovery
Pachamama Statue ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:230 Fame:115
A goddess that represents mother earth in the native language. The god of fertility and the mother of all creation. After the spread of Christianity, it became identified with the Virgin Mary and became the subject of worship.