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- Discovery
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True face of Evil
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
This is a request from a youth in town who loves literature. He wants to know about the vilians of Water Margin, Huizong and Cai Jing. He wants to know if they really existed, and if they did, what they were really like. You heard about Water Margin from the scholar in Hangzhou, yes? Maybe he has more information he can give you.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

1-3. Hangzhou: Speak to Scholar (x3)
4-6. Yuntaichan: Speak to Studious Youth (x3) (by Mansion, south of town)
7. Chongquing: Speak to Tavern Keeper
8. Chongquing: Observe / Search next to Tavern Keeper
- Discovery
Hui Zhong Flower and Bird Painting ★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:830 Fame:345
Work of the Song Emperor, Huizong.
Huizong was adept at Bird and Flower paintings, and this work has also been highly praised.