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      To Chase a Bird
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      They say that you found the Japanese Crane. A maiden in Edo has a request for you regarding that bird. I don't have the details, but apparently it's not something she can ask someone from that area. Will you go and help her out?
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                              Red-faced Bird Map Japanese Crane

                              1. Edo - Talk to Maiden X3 (Near the Square)
                              2. Edo North - Click on Table Boulder 2x
                              3. Edo North - Click on Lone Cedar
                              4. Edo - Talk to Maiden
                              5. Edo - Hand over 1 x Secret Medication to continue
                              6. Edo Talk to Maiden

                              (Originally edited by: DreadPirateWesley)

                              Bird that Ravages Land
                              You've heard of the Japanese Crane, right? Well, papa has been trying to get people to capture it. He says it's a bad bird, that it ruins fields and crops. But---I told him that was cruel!

                              Sparing the Bird
                              I mean, the bird is so beautiful! And all it's really doing is trying to find enough to eat so that it can survive. It's not hurting the fields on purpose. Right? So, papa gave me a chance to drive the bird away. I wouldn't leave it to papa. No telling what he would do.

                              Habitats for Humans and Birds
                              So I wanted to ask you myself. Can you drive the bird off, so that it doesn't show up near the fields around here for a while? I think if you set some kind of trap to drive off near the flat rock to the east once you leave town, that should be enough. I believe it will learn to leave the area alone. So will you do it?

                              Scattered Feathers
                              You can see where the crane has been. This looks like a good place to put the device you were given. Parting the bushes to set the trap, you notice what looks like crane feathers lying on the ground. You also see what looks like a memo lying there as well.

                              Journal of the Soldier who Came to Hunt
                              The bird's feathers are beautiful woven, as well. They will probably work to fill pillows and beds. And according to an apothecary friend, the meat is good for girls. Certainly, the bird is rough on fields, but it is a very useful bird otherwise. If I recall correctly, there is a nest northwest of here near the large cedar. Might be good to look there.

                              Orphaned Crane
                              The crane's nest was there, just as the note said. The grown bird is not to be found. All that is left is a single young chick. It doesn't flee on your approach. It appears hurt. You must take care in catching it and take it back to the girl who made the request. Then you can decide what to do.

                              Medicine Needed
                              You set it up for me, didn't you? Thank you--- It's hurt! It looks like it was grazed with a bullet. If I had medicine I would put some on, but I don't. That's right! I'm sure one of these stores had some excellent medicine.

                              Healing the Crane's Wounds
                              You'll spread it on? Thank you. How kind of you. So it was separated from its family? Do you think you can take care of it? My father will never let me keep it. And you seem so nice and all. I could rest easy if I knew you were taking care of it.

                              Custody of the Stray Crane
                              The maiden has asked you to take care of the young crane. Its injuries should heal soon, but it is doubtful as to whether it can survive alone in the wild. If you are willing to care for the crane, talk to the maiden again.


                              Custody of the Stray Crane
                              You'll do it? I'm sure it will be so happy with you. I'm sure you are busy on your voyage so I'll have someone else take it to the Trainer, You can pick it up there when you have time. And I would be very happy if you could bring it to see me every once in a while.

                              Reward: Japanese Crane (White)

                                  Table boulder is in the south-east corner of the map, lone ceder is north of the gates.

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