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      Built cave
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request from the city official in Hanyang. There is a mysterious cave near the Bulguksa Temple you previously studied. We want you to look into it. There is a gang who saw the cave now at the Hanyang tavern, so go and talk to them.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                    [IMG:Quest_Chain] Prequests: [IMG:31][QUEST:99996915] [IMG:31][QUEST:99996857] Unlocks: [IMG:31][QUEST:99996832] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[DBLINK:10000174] - Talk to Merchant 2.[DBLINK:10000174] - Talk to Seafarer 3.[DBLINK:10000174][ZONE:90005904] - Talk to Scholar 3x 4.[ZONE:90001099] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000016] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Cave Entrance Ah right, that cave? I was asked to help strengthen the entrance because it looked like it was going to crumble any minute. I was pretty nervous as the scholar I was with said it had quite a history. But I never found out what exactly that cave was. [IMG:01] 2. Cave Interior I helped strengthen the entrance...I got a quick look inside of it, too. I assumed it was a natural cave, but it didn't look like that was the case. The scholar checked the interior, so maybe you should talk to him. [IMG:01] 3. Cave Interior Seen by Scholar The cave interior? Yes, I did see it for a glance. The entrance seemed precarious, so we reinforced that immediately, but the interior appeared to be in good shape...that was my impression at least... [IMG:01] 4. Processed Traces Instead of a natural cave, that may be a space created by people digging out a hole and reinforcing the opening. Unlike the exterior rock face, the wall and ceiling are covered with processed stone. I cannot examine deep into the exterior, due to the lack of light... [IMG:01] 5. Another Temple By the way, there used to be another temple farther in the interior where the Bulguska temple used to be. It seems to have been built during the same period as the Bulguska Temple but there are no historical records of it, so I don't know if it was destroyed or not. But perhaps... maybe that cave is connected? [IMG:06] 6. Built Cave If the scholar's prediction is correct, the cave may be some sort of temple. The entrance has been reinforced so it does not crumble, so you should be able to confirm one way or the other quickly. Head for the outskirts of Pohang. [IMG:Destination] [DBLINK:90001099] Discovery Reward : 1130 Adventure exp Card Reward : [DBLINK:70001808] 565 Adventure exp Quest Reporting Reward : [DBLINK:01500232] , 140 Adventure exp , 70 Adventure fame

                      • Discovery
                      • Seokguram ★★★★★★ (Religious architecture) Exp:1130 Fame:433
                        Buddhist relic from the Silla period. Its interior is dome-shaped, but it is not built by digging out a cave, but through piling stone and packing earth. The building techniques of the Silla period appear to have been quite advanced.

                        southwest part of map

                        Any special requirements for this quest? I can't find it :(

                        Have you done the two prequests listed above? It also helps to have the language which, while not usually required for most quests, can help spawn it sooner.

                        Yes, prequests done and still can't get it ...

                        It just sounds like your really unlucky is all. There are several quests that can take many MANY QMPs to spawn for some players. That's just the way Adventure works.

                        P.S. You may consider using a SQMP or two from the Papaya shop.

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