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Light in the Darkness
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Seems a request has come in for you by name. The requester is the scholar in Hanyang, who has been sayin' he was attacked by light or something while investigating Seokguram. You'll accept the job, right? I'm sure the scholar is waiting, so head out and see him quickly.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[DBLINK:10000174][ZONE:90005904] - Talk to Scholar
2.[ZONE:90001099] - Click the Stacked Boulders in the northwest.
3.[ZONE:90001099] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] in the southwest corner.
[IMG:01] Mysterious Light
Recently, I was investigating the Seokguram near the stacked boulders on the outskirts of Pohang when I was suddenly bathed in blinding light. Though I am bit embarrassed to admit it, I got rather surprised, fell over and injured myself... So I'd like you to continue the rest of the investigation in my place.
[IMG:03] Reflected Light
Light has seeped in through the entrance of Seokguram and that appears to have reflected and illuminated the surroundings. As you peer around you see a large Buddha statue has fallen... There appears to be glass or some sort of crystal in the Buddha's forehead that is reflecting the light.
[IMG:06] Cave Interior Revealed
There was a stone Buddha statue inside of Soekguram. Moreover, many statues of Guanshi'yin are carved inside the walls. For now, investigate the stacked boulders of the surroundings, and make a note of the internal repairs needed to add to your report.
- Discovery
Buddha in Seokugram ★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:810 Fame:335
Statue enshrined in Seokugram.
Glass is embedded in its forehead, and when sun light fills the temple, the glass shines. It seems that in the Silla period, not only masonry, but sculpture work also was very advanced.