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      Bamboo Slip Buried in Earth
      Deadline 67, days
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      A request has come in from a village on the outskirts of Yuntaishan. A long, black board was found in the ground in that village. It's rather eerie-looking, so they want us to investigate it. The scholar in Hangzhou has conjectured that "it might be an old bamboo slip". Consider that while you conduct your study
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] Hangzhou -> Talk to the scholar x2 Found in Yuntaisha West, near Table boulder (Center-North of map) [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Qin's Thought Control Based on its shape, I'd say this bamboo slip was probably confiscated by authorities to burn it. On the recommendation of Chancellor Li Si, Qin Shi Huang made a policy to burn books. The scholars had gained too much knowledge, were criticizing the Court in the streets, and it was determined that there action was breeding evil in society. Thus books on medicine, divination and farming were lost. [IMG:01] Lost Knowledge Restorable? Many valuable works were surely lost among those that were burned. Bamboo slips that survived the burning are occasionaly found buried in the ground, but they are in bad state, and can not b fully restored. If this discovery can lead to the regaining of lost wisdom it would be a cause of joy. But I don't know if that is possible... [IMG:06] Burned Bamboo Slip Yuntainshan is likely a bamboo slip that was ordered to be burned during the Qin period. It is in good condition, it may be possible to restore the precious material to its original state. Conduct your study on the outskirts of Yuntaishan.

                    • Discovery
                    • Burnt Bamboo Slip ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:370 Fame:185
                      Burnt bamboo slip found in the outskirts of Yizhou. It is notably charred and its contents cannot be read. Based on its state, one can assume it was burned on purpose. It is well known that the first Qin emperor enacted book burning under the guidance of the chancellor, Li Si.

                      Near table boulder (Center-North of map)

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