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Strange-shaped Relic
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
It seems a strangely-shaped rock fragment has been found around Yuntai Mountain. The local scholars think it must be rather old and are quite excited. First head to Hangzhou and talk to the scholars there.



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[IMG:01] Hangzhou: Scholar 2x
[IMG:06] Yuntaisha West: Near Lone Cedar
[IMG:01] Burial Jade Fragment
The rock was found near a cemetery and coffins it's assumed that it is a burial jade fragment that was buried with the dead. Also it seems when the fragments are placed together, it forms the shape of a cicada!
[IMG:01] Symbolizing Cicadas
The burial jade is used to close the orifices of the body to prevent rotting. It is also theorized that the cicada meant revival and resurrection in ancient times. If a cicada burial jade was found, it would provide support for this theory. Could I ask you to look around the Lone Cedar on the outskirts of Yuntaishan?
[IMG:06] Ancient Burial Jade
The rock fragment found near Yuntaishan was very likely a burial good from ancient times. Search and see if you can find a burial jade still intact near the Lone Cedar on the outskirts of Yuntaishan the scholar has suggested.
- Discovery
Jade Cicada ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:340 Fame:170
Burial Jade from the Yin dynasty shaped like a cicada.In ancient times, it was believed to prevent decay when placed in the holes where dead bodies lay.