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Ambush fleet of the kattlegat straits
No Expiration
Amsterdam Maritime Guild
오슬로에서 코펜하겐의 눈앞을 통과하는 부근을 카테가트 해협이라고 하는데 요즘 그 부근에서 해적단의 기습이 이어지고 있는 모양이야. 오슬로 도시관리의 의로라네. 현지로 가서 자세한 얘기를 들어보게.

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Oslo Speak with the Town Official
Jutland Peninsula, Open Sea Sail towards Copenhagen - ambush occur around 520,2164

Gateway to the Baltic
The route headed south from here is the only portal to the Baltic Sea. For that alone, it absolutely is the place where pirates would lie in wait.
They are fearful rogues who compete only with the navy, but I want you to somehow chip away at their power! An assessment of their military potential is in the report, so read it.

Categat Assault Fleet
The Kattegat strait that runs south of Oslo to around Copenhagen is the place for surprise attacks by the frightful Baltic pirate Ambush Fleet.
They are a powerful foe who have numerous pinnace-class sailing ships. You will need to be on your guard.

Categat Assault Fleet (6-12 Pinnace)
Seal of Valkyrie