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        Nightmare at Skagerrak Strait
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Maritime Guild
        Have you ever heard of the Skagerrak Straint? It's a stretch of water that runs between the Jutland Peninsula stretching north to the east of Hamburg and the Scandinavian Peninsula. It's a vital sea lane for Scandinavian markets, but recently it seems there have repeated pirate ambushes in the area. Go see what you can find out around the tavern in Hamburg.
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                [IMG:Quest_Guide] [IMG:01] - 1. Barkeep at Hamburg's Tavern Ahh, those headache-inducing rogues. The villains on th northern sea lanes lost their nerve and recently have been reluctant to take their ships out. They are truly bottled up. Is this sort of thing acceptabl? Sir, as a fellow sailor, have you no admonition of these gormless wonders? [IMG:01] - 2. Seafarer at Hamburg's Tavern Put simply, if they were lying in wait in such a narrow area, you couldn't get past even with a fast ship. Impossible even for a trading ship. From we sailors' point of view, if we could be rid of even a few of them pirates from that area, you know. The Skagerrak pirates are merciless rougue. Be on your guard. [IMG:06] It seems the pirates who haunt the Skagerrak Straits are skilled at ambushes that take advantage of geography. Battles from an unfavourable position strengthen them. It seems abundant precautions are needed. You're likely to encounter them if you head north from Hamburg and proceed toward Oslo.

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