The official's henpecked husband
No Expiration
Venice Merchant's Guild
This request is from the town official in Ragusa. He wants two reels of lace.
Just what does an official want with lace? Well, ours is not to reason why, but rather just to ship and supply.

1. [DBLINK:10000003] Market Keeper - Buy 2 x [DBLINK:01600469]
2. [DBLINK:10000026] City Official - Deliver lace
3. [DBLINK:10000003] Merchant Mediator - Report quest.
It must have been hard work. Thank you. I have the lace ....what will I use it for? Someone in the city is making a dress for his wife as a gift and would like it kept secret. His wife was angry because he spends all his time working.
Earned 10 Trade Experience
Gained 4 Trade Fame
Obtained Purchase order (Category 3)!