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Deliver turnips
No Expiration
Venice Merchant's Guild
A barkeep in Syracuse has run out of turnips and he requested a delivery of some more.
You need to take five barrels of turnips to his tavern in Syracuse. Marketkeepers don't sell them here in town, so you'll need to pick them up in Ragusa.

- Member
- Language/Edit History
1. [DBLINK:10000026] Marketkeeper - Buy 5 x [DBLINK:01600006]
2. [DBLINK:10000027] Barkeep - Deliver turnips
3. [DBLINK:10000003] Merchant Mediator - Report quest
Ah, you've brought turnips! Thanks. I had almost run out of snacks to go together with drinking.
Please collect your compensation from the Guild. Thanks so much
Earned 15 Trade Experience
Gained 15 Trade Fame
Obtained Purchase order (Category 1)!