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The next generation
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Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
There is a request from a European Scholar to investigate about Buddhism. He's made similar requests before. He's probably missing something in his research... He would especially like to find out about Buddhist monks this time.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005765] - Talk to City Official
2.[ZONE:90005789] - Talk to City Official
3.[ZONE:90005789] - Talk to Market Keeper x2
5.[ZONE:90005789] - Talk to Tavern Merchant x2
7.[ZONE:90005599] - Talk to City Official x2
9.[ZONE:90005600] - [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Java is the Islam faith in recent years
Buddhism was prevalent in Java a long time ago. Apparently, many forgotten Buddhist structures remain in the interior of the island. In recent year, the Islamic faith has really spread, so not as many people follow Buddhism now. To learn more, you should go to Pegu.
[IMG:01] 2. Ayutthaya, strong in Buddhist faith
The Buddhist faith is strong in these parts and it has more than a few followers here. But I know of a country that's even more pious than us. That's the Ayutthaya Kingdom to the east. The market Keeper should have a well-developed business relationship with the Merchant there.
[IMG:01] 3. Story of Ayutthaya
Oh, we often do business with Ayutthaya. The people there are divided into the ruling class and the lower class, except for the Buddhist monks who are not connected with that social structure. The Buddhist faith is so strong there that each male must become a monk at one point in their lives.
[IMG:01] 4. Buddhist monk
Buddhist monks cannot, in principle, accumulate wealth. They can also only own one robe. When someone becomes a monk, they receive the robe they will wear from a lay person as charity. Supposedly, a very virtuous monk can receive many robes from lay people in this way. To learn more, why not ask a Merchant at a tavern?
[IMG:01] 5. Monk's garments passed down in a certain temple
I went to Aytthaya recently and heard a story that might be of use to you. A long time ago, it seems that a ghigh ranking priest gave his robes to a younger monk. So now, at that temple, young monks begin their religious lives wearing their superiors' clothes and learning about virtue and ideals. Though...
[IMG:01] 6. Story from a young monk
There was a young monk who, wearing such a robe, went on an ascetic journey from Aytthaya to Calicut. But far from completing his training and returning home, apparently, he never even arrived at Calicut. I investigated a little, and it seems he actually came to this town...
[IMG:01] 7. It was such a long time ago, but a sick ascetic monk came to this town once. He acted deliriously and said he wanted to go home to Ayutthaya. It might have been due to the harshness of his journey, but he died soon thereafter. The robe he wore was cut finely and sewn on the clothes of other monks so that they could carry on his legacy.
[IMG:01] 8. The monk's soul...
That robe is now kept in the wardrobe of the local temple here. It's used when the young monks need to change their garments.
But if it's necessary, no one will mind if you take it. If the monk's soul could be brought with it across the sea and this would broaden his experiences, I'm sure he would be quite satisfied.
[IMG:06] 9. Carring on intent
The young monk from Ayutthaya whose story you heard about in Pegu apparently died before reaching his destination. It seems that pieces of his robe were sewn on to a robe worn by young monks in Calcutta in order to carry on his legacy. You should investigate this at the temple there.
발견시 경험치 880, 카드 경험치 220, 고승의 법의
보고시 경험치 325, 명성 110, 의뢰 알선서 8 획득
- Discovery
High Priest's Robes 1 ★★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:1144 Fame:440
Clerical garments sewn by quilting the cloth of a Buddhist monk of particularly high virtue. Buddhist monks are not allowed to own property; even their garments are not their property. They manage to do with charity from lay people or older monks for their holy garments.
How do you complete this quest? Have got to point go to calcuit but cannot figure out from there.