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      Endless battle between good and evil
      No Expiration
      Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
      Gisele from bar has a Job for you. She said something about which is stronger, good gods or evil gods... Sorry, I have no idea... ... Can I ask you to complete this request?
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005746] - speak with Gisele 2.[ZONE:90005746] - speak with barkeeper x2 4.[ZONE:90005746] - speak with Gisele x2 6.[ZONE:90005765] - speak with town official x3 9.[ZONE:90005767] - Behind the Rest House Master Southeast corner use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99994758] or [IMG:21][QUEST:99992792] [IMG:22][QUEST:99994757] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994905] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Gisele, depressed So my explanation doesn't really make sense to you? Ooh, that kind of hurt... Hey, Barkeeper, you know what I'm talking about, right? Don't you? [IMG:01] 2. Barkeep's supplement Um, just about... To give you more details, an Adventurer who recently went east of India to Java Island came by here to see Gisele. They talked a lot about the musical instruments and artistic performances of the people there. Oh, it seems like you know some things about Wayang Kulit and genders. [IMG:01] 3. Finally, to Gisele Then maybe there's not much to talk about. During your research, did you hear about the musical instruments known as gamelan? Genders are one type of gamelan. That Adventurer talked to Gisele about how the people danced accompanied by gamelan. Gisele, I just gave a good rundown on that Adventurer's story. Could you fill in the rest now? [IMG:01] 4. Gisele attempts the explanation again Yes, boss! Um... so the Adventurer told me about a Javanese dance that uses gamelan. There's a benevolent god who's a beast with big round eyes and also an evil witch god, and the two of them fight against one another. But he said that this battle has no end. I wonder why so? [IMG:01] 5. A story with a bad aftertaste I mean, up to now, all the stories I've heard from European Adventurers always end with the good god winning no matter how powerful the evil god is. That's much easier to understand and it settles things nicely, too. Hmm... makes you think... Could you go to Java Island and investigate? [IMG:01] 6. Divine beast Barong You must mean a Barong dance. It's a traditional story from Bali to the east in which the beast god battles the witch god Rangda. There are various finer points to the story, but each version ends without any type of conclusion. That's because there's good and evil in the world, and one exists because of the other. It's like a shadow being born from light striking an object. [IMG:01] 7. The story of Barong Let me tell you some well-known things about the story of Barong. To kill her own son, Rangda summoned an army of demons, but her son asked for Barong's help and they fought together with a great number of warriors. Rangda cast magic to force the warriors to stab their own bellies, but Barong responded with a spell that made them immune to sword wounds. [IMG:01] 8. Good or evil depends humans Thanks to Barong, most of the warriors overcome Rangda's magic, but some of them were not affected by Barong's spell. Because their hearts or bodies were weak, they could not resist Rangda's magic even with the help of Barong's spell. This means that good and evil are the two things that test the nature of a human being. [IMG:06] 9. Endless battle between good and evil The story behind the Barong dance performed traditionally in Bali tells of the never-ending battle between good and evil. This seems to be based on a unique philosophy that good and evil exist because of the other. In the town of Surabaya near Bali, you should be able to find some things related to this dance. Search a little inland [DBLINK:90005767] Discovery Reward : [DBLINK:00131000] 1052 Adventure exp Card Reward : [DBLINK:70001422] 526 Adventure exp Quest Reporting Reward : [DBLINK:01500232] , 660 Adventure exp , 110 Adventure fame

                    • Discovery
                    • The Mask of Barong ★★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:1053 Fame:405
                      A mask made in the shape of Barong, Beast King of spirits of the island of Bali east of Java. On Bali, Barong is believed to protect against plague. The mask is considered to be an avatar of the god, and kept carefully in its own shrine.

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