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      Eastern tip of the deserrt
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Have you been to the continent that lies south of Dili? this latest request is to survey the northwest of that continent. there is apparently a vast desert after passing a certain boundary. This request is for you to find where that boundary lies. Go and gather information at the town of Kakadu on the north coast of the continent
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                        [IMG19,Quest guide]
                        1. Kakadu - Talk to Merchant
                        2. Kakadu - Talk to Seaferer
                        3. West Australian Sea Basin - around coordinate 5855,5941
                        Observe Recognition

                        [IMG16,Obtained info]
                        1. Point of supply limit
                        There are only wetlands and mountains for a while as you travel to the west from here, but after you get past a certain cape along the way it turns to nothing but sand, Good luck getting any supplies out there.
                        Just remember, to the west of that cape is nothing but long stretches of pure white sand.
                        Don't get lost out there just because it's so beautiful though.

                        2. Stairway to the moon
                        Oh yeah, about that beach... On the night of a full moon during a particular season, and at low tide only, you can see a really amazing sight there. the wet sand reflects the light from the moon in such a way that it looks like stairs! When the moon is close to the horizon it almost looks like a staircase to the moon!

                        3. The cape is the guidepost
                        The area to the west of Kakadu is made up primarily of wetlands and mountains but after passing a particular cape the land turns to desert. this matches the description of my current job. To the south of the cape is a beautiful white sand beach and during a particular season and time a very unique sight can be seen there. I should use the "Recognition" command to determine the location of the cape and report back exactly where it is.

                        Cape Levique

                        Quest Mediation Permit

                        Cape Levique

                        discovery give 462(), card give 231()
                        adventure exp 300, fame 100 and Quest Mediation Permit

                          • Discovery
                          • Cape Levique ★★★ (Geography) Exp:462 Fame:210
                            A cape northwest of Australia. The southern portion is slowly becoming desert. The seacoast line extending south southwest is 100 kilometres long, and there are blue seas and beautiful silver-white beaches.

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