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Land to which the king returned
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
Ah, good timing! It seems a scholar in Calcutta has discovered a strange clay tablet. According to a language expert, it has something to do with Alexander the Great. You seem to know a lot about the subject matter, so could you go talk to him? It could be about treasure!



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005586] - Talk to Scholar
2.[ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Barkeep
3.[ZONE:90005566] - Talk to Seafarer
4.[ZONE:90005557] - Talk to Travelling Archaeologist (West of the Market)
5.[ZONE:90005539][ZONE:90005540] - Talk to Ahmad the Left-handed
6.[ZONE:90005557] - Talk to Travelling Archaeologist (West of the Market)
7.[ZONE:90005586] - Talk to Scholar
8.[ZONE:90001024] - Landing point Nort-east of Muscat
[IMG:22] Land to which the king returned
[IMG:01] 1. Land to which the king returned
I discovered a clay tablet when i was cleaning the archives. It appears to contain text regarding Alexander the Great, but i cannot read it due to its poor condition. I thought you might be able to figure out what it says as i've heard you are investigating this great king....
[IMG:01] 2. Unable to decipher
Oh, a clay tablet. Hmm... this is going to be harder to read than i thought. Most of the inscriptions have become worn down and almost impossible to read. I don't think we can figure out what it says even if you find someone who can actually read the language. You'd be better off asking someone else for help. How about that sailor over there?
[IMG:01] 3. The scholar is at work in Basra
Isn't there any information on this clay tablet? It might have belonged to Alexander the Great? Hmm... I think i've heard about this before. It was when i went to Basra. There was a scholar who was researching Alexander. Why don't you go talk to him?
[IMG:01] 4. Clay tablets in bad condition
This is one very interesting clay tablet... Here, let me take a look... "... King..., ...bed... equipment... ...share... Ba....Lyon..."... Hmm... I'm afraid it cannot be read, for all the letters have been chipped or worn down too much. Can you go to Ahmad in Aden and borrow a book for me?
[IMG:01] 5. Book of Ahmad
You must be a servant of the archaeologist in Basra. You've sure come a long way for this. Here's the book you're looking for it. Go ahead, take it.
[IMG:01] 6. Using old text to being deciphering
Thank you. There were some characters on this clay tablet that i recalled seeing in this book. It will take me some time in order to make some sense out of it. When i finish, i will send the deciphered text to the archives at Calicut.
[IMG:01] 7. Success in deciphering
The deiphered clay tablet is here! Here, take a look at this. It looks like it says that the king had split up his equipment among his men and aso hid some of it. I'm satisfied with just being able to decipher the tablet. You should go and try to find his equipment.
[IMG:06] 8. Land to which the king returned
"We have received some great equipment from our great king who lies ill in his bed in Babylon. I will return them to the eastern most lands that our great king has conquered." I believe the eastern most land the great king tried to conquer lied in an area between Hormuz and Diu on te north eastern shore of the Arabian Sea. We should disembark there and observe.
경험치:460, 카드 획득:115, 보고 경험치:170, 명성:180, 의뢰 알선서:7
- Discovery
Alexander the Great's Armour 4 ★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:506 Fame:215
The armour of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian King who ruled an empire from the Mediterranean to Persia, exquisitely encrusted with jewels from Egypt and Persia.
i got 9 search 11 arch and 7 unlock and i have used 225 QMP's, is this quest no longer available or what???????????????