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        Giant snake of India
        No Expiration
        Aden Adventurer's Guild
        There may be a huge snake in Africa, but there's apparently an even bigger and fatter snake in India. I want you to investigate it.
        It's not supposed to be poisonous, but, even so, it could still probably kill a human being quite easily. You should take great care. Why not look into it in Calicut?
        •  Member
        • Language/Edit History

                    1. Calicut - speak with Boy Elephant Trainer (near square)
                    2. Calicut Archives - speak with Scholar
                    3. North Calicut - research is at the Giant Dead Tree in the northwest


                    Glitering snake 4 6 1 Sunbeam Snake

                    [IMG16,Obtained info]
                    1. Snake that swallows a goat whole
                    When I was off to forest on the elephant I saw. It is not a frightful thing whilst one the elephant, but meet that alone and all you can do is run. I mean it swallowed a goat whole. Think it may be poisonous, but can't be sure. Somebody else may know.

                    2. Not poisonous
                    That big of a snake, that's a phyton I'll wager. It's not poisonous, but it will wrap itself around and strangle its prey;
                    even large animals it can swallow whole. Its girth matches that of a woman's waist, you know. And its length is at least 7 meters. Would venture you can see one one the outskirts of town.

                    3. Snake that looks like it could swallow a man
                    If it eats goats, can easily see it swallowing whole children.
                    Seems it can be seen round the outskirts of Calicut, so check it out, hitting the area with all the large, dead trees, and taking care not to get constricted of course.

                    Quest Mediation Permit


                    발견시 경험치 860, 카드 경험치 215
                    보고시 경험치 260, 명성 280, 알선서 9장

                      • Discovery
                      • Python ★★★★★★ (Large creature) Exp:1118 Fame:430
                        A large snake that can grow up to 10m in length. Although it is not poisonous, it is incredibly powerful and kills its prey by squeezing it to death. It has been known to eat whole pigs. It has little stumps like small feet...if it grew any bigger, would they become feet?

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