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Wife of the hero god
No Expiration
Aden Adventurer's Guild
Many different types of goddesses appear in Indian mythology. For this job, I'd like you to investigate about the wife of Vishnu, who was a hero often depicted performing great deeds. There should be someone in Diu who knows a lot about her. Go and look into this.



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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Diu - Resident, by market
Diu - Maiden, southern part of town
Calicut Gujarat Estate - Gujarat Estate
Observe and
Search [IMG16,Obtained info]

1. Wife who took on personification with her husband
Vishnu's wife is the radiant and beautiful Lakshmi.
Whilst Vishnu appears in a number of male incarnations, the wives of those heroes are all incarnations of Lakshmi. Are you looking for someone with knowledge in this?
Well the girl in this city knows a lot more than I do.

2. Statue of an ideal woman
Would it be correct to say Lakshmi is the ideal woman? Beautiful and deeply in love with her husband.
She also brings happiness. But happiness is not predictable because she is fickle.
Mr Gujarat in Calicut has a wonderful statue of her.

3. Beautiful, whimsical goddess
Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu, a beautiful and fickle goddess. A large merchant in Calicut, Mr Gujarat, has a statue of her. Go to his Estate and investigate the statue.
Quest Mediation Permit
Hindu Goddess Amulet
The Statue of Lakshmi
- Discovery
The Statue of Lakshmi ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:310 Fame:140
A statue of the Indian goddess Lakshmi, goddess of happiness and fortune and Queen to the god Vishnu.