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Fire god of India
No Expiration
Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
The Hindu religion in India is polytheistic. So they may have many gods and goddesses, right? For this next request, I'd like you to investigate a god who rules over fire. by understanding his role, we should be able to learn how fire was regarded by the ancient Indians. Why not pay a visit to a Scholar in Calicut?



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1.[ZONE:90005586] - Talk to Scholar
2.[ZONE:90005586] - Browse Theo book (Need [DBLINK:30000167])
3.[ZONE:90005583] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020]
[IMG:01] Younger brother of the battle god
The Hindu god of fire is Agni. He is a warrior god and brother of Indra.
Agni had a stronger following when Indra was strong. Rituals that worship fire were common among ancient religions. How would you like to view my collection of books on theology?
[IMG:02] Role of the god of fire
In ancient India, fire is believed to be a passage to heaven, since ash and smoke rise from the flames towards heaven. The fire god Agni, delivers offerings to heaven.
[IMG:06] Faith of ancient times
Agni enjoyed a strong following in ancient India.
The temples in Calicut are old. There may be a statue of Agnis. Start looking from the left hand corner.
- Discovery
The Statue of Agni ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:440 Fame:185
The god of fire from Indian mythology. With hair like flames, teeth of gold, and a seven-forked tongue, his form represents the origin of fire. He is believed to have the power of purification to remove evil.