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Code of ancient India
No Expiration
Cape Town Adventurer's Guild
No matter the era, humans cannot thrive without a set of rules. As it seems, there was also a code of law in ancient India. I'd like you to search for it and examine its content. Ask a Scholar in Calicut about it.



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1.[ZONE:90005586] - Talk to Scholar
2.[ZONE:90005586] - Browse [DBLINK:30000026]
3.[ZONE:90005583] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020]
[IMG:01] An age when religion was canon
In ancient times, politics and religion were one and the same in most regions.
Ancient Indian society was based on the Hindu model.
I think I have a detailed description in my library on religious studies.
[IMG:02] The laws of Manu
Law, in ancient Indian society was based on the Manusmriti. Manu is a legendary figure, son of Brahma and originator of the human race.
This book of law is regarded as the teachings of Manu.
It covers a wide area, from the creation of the world to society and law.
[IMG:06] The Hindu laws
The law of ancient India appears to be the Manusmriti.
It's content lies at the foundation of Hinduism.
I think it can be found in a temple in Calicut.
Search for it in the temple.
- Discovery
The Laws of Manu ★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:280 Fame:125
Laws of Hinduism. Comprised of twelve chapters that cover the fundamentals of Brahmanism and Hinduism. They record not only laws but also ceremonies and customs for living.