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      A Celt's footprint
      No Expiration
      Tunis Adventurer's Guild
      So you want to know about the Berbers? They are a people who have lived in these parts since ancient times. If you ask a Scholar, they can surely tell you various things.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005369] - Talk to Scholar 2.[ZONE:90005369] - Browse [DBLINK:30000025] ([DBLINK:30000162] required) 3.[ZONE:90005369] - Talk to Scholar 4.[ZONE:90005498] - Talk to Barkeep (2x) [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993466] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993475] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994114] [IMG:24] Currently here. [IMG:25][QUEST:99994000] [IMG:26][QUEST:99994109] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Berbers The Berbers lived here in this region in ancient times. Unlike people from southern Africa, they had light-coloured skin and features similar to Europeans. Although they intermingled with other tribes and you can now hardly tell them apart. There are some very interesting things written about them in books written by Greek historians. [IMG:02] Berbers and Celts If you travel across Europe, you can find the Celts in many places. Maybe they were originally Berbers who migrated from north Africa? The Celts are thought to have descended from a race known as the Belgae. But they are surprisingly similar to the Berbers who live in northern Africa. [IMG:01] Two nations It doesn't necessarily mean that they share the same origins, but maybe there's something that connects the Celts to the Berbers. Why don't you talk to someone again in Las Palmas? There might be some kind of story that remains there. [IMG:01] Celts came to the southern island Oh... so the Berbers and Celts had similar features? Then it wouldn't be weird if the Celts and Guanches also looked alike, too. So, even if Celts came here, their appearance wouldn't really stand out. And that could explain why no stories remained about it. Actually, there is a legend here on this island about a golden sword that came from the sea. [IMG:01] The taken sword Because the inhabitants of the island always practised a Stone Age culture, a golden sword glittering with light must have really seemed like a magical item to them. They kept this "Sword of Light" very safe, but... when the Spanish captured the island, it was taken from them. And that's all we know. I wonder where it is now... [IMG:06] Celtic footprints It seems that the Berbers and the Guanches from Las Palmas, as well as the Celts, all have some kind of connection. In fact, in Las Palmas, there's a legend passed down about a Sword of Light that came out of the sea. That sword was apparently captured by Spain. Now you should report to the guild in Seville. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005498]

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