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        The mountain dog of judgement
        No Expiration
        Tunis Adventurer's Guild
        According to ancient legends from Egypt, there is a feral dog who passes judgement on the dead. That's certainly a terrifying story. Now there's a silly rumour going around that someone has seen such a creature.It's supposedly circulating in the Cairo area, so go there and prove that the story is groundless
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                    [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005457] - Town Official : Talk to 2.[ZONE:90005457] - Rest House Master : Talk to 3.[ZONE:90005459] - use [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020] inside Cairo mosque [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Rumours of wild dogs A wild dog that judges the decreased? That would be Anubis, a widely known god in ancient Egypt. Stories of sighting were exaggerated as they spread from city to city. No doubt being embellished at rest stops? [IMG:01] 2. This is an ancient divine statue I heard stories that an image of the Anubis has been seen in this mosque. Islam has spread but the gods of old still close. Not appearing openly in public, perhaps it finds quiet refuge in the mosque. [IMG:06] 3. Divine status of Anubis, god of dogs The image of the Anubis, worshipped widely in ancient Egypt, has been secretly enshrined in the mosque in Cairo. Take a close look inside, on the left [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:00519700] [DBLINK:70000201] [DBLINK:90005459] Discovery Reward :Adventure exp 110, Card exp 55, Egyptian god amulet Report quest reward: 70 Adventure exp ,70 Adventure Fame ,[DBLINK:01500232]

                      • Discovery
                      • The Statue of Anubis ★ (Religious legacy) Exp:110 Fame:40
                        The Egyptian god of the dead. He is depicted with the body, or the head of a jackal. Upon death, he measured a person's heart against the feather of Truth, and determined where they would go in the afterlife.

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