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Greek fire
No Expiration
Athens Adventurer's Guild
Is that so? So even the flames of burning water can be extinguished by pouring water over them?
Well, when it comes to alchemy, Alexandria is the place where it all started.
Why don't you go there and look for someone who is knowledgeable on the subject?



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- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005435] - Talk to Shaman ×2
3.[ZONE:90005461] - Talk to Rest House Master
4.[ZONE:90005461] - Talk to Military Man (Near Port Official)
5.[ZONE:90005405] - Talk to Travelling Scholar
6.[ZONE:90001009] - Northwest of map near "Lone Cedar" use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020]
[IMG:23]Currently here
[IMG:01] 1. Naphtha
What? You wish to make fire that would not be extinguished by water. Than I suggest naphtha. If you distil burning water, the result is an oil known as naphtha. Naphtha is Persian for burning water. It burns easily, and is hard to extinguish. This alone, however, will not make a waterproof fire.
[IMG:01] 2. Composition of Greek fire
- Discovery
The Greek Fire ★ (Historical legacy) Exp:80 Fame:50
A flaming liquid used in the Byzantine empire around the 7th century. It is made by mixing sulphur and pine resin with petroleum. Said to burn with an intense flame, the fires cannot be doused by mere water. It is believed that it originally came from the east.