Grave burial items of the Abbot
No Expiration
Marseille Adventurer's Guild
Burial items refer to items interred inside a coffin together with a body. Well, one such burial item interred with a certain abbot was a very impressive piece of jewellery, and a research wants someone to find out what it looks like. Genoa is a good place to look into these matters. Talk to the Craftsman there.



1.[DBLINK:10000024] - Talk to Craftsman
2.[DBLINK:10000004][ZONE:90005136] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020] at the wall left of the Bookstand
[IMG:01] Master craftsman of northern France
You must be talking about one of Alpais' works. The ciborium he made for the abbot of Montmajour Abbey for use at times of festivity is quite famous. The gemstone craftsmanship is particularly remarkable. It should be in the church in the corner of town in Marseille now if you want to see it.
[IMG:06] The ciborium created by Alpais
The ciborium made by Alpais should be in the church in the corner of Marseille. Supposedly it is by the wall on the left side of the bookstand as you enter the church. I should use the "Search" command to find it.