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Tir na n-og
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
If the Iberian peninsula might be the Tir na nog, then the Claimh Solais might be on the Iberian Peninsula, right? Isn't this an incredible piece of information? According to what you said, the Scholar knows nothing more about this but...maybe there's someone else who knows more.


- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005002] - Talk to Traveller in the square
2.[ZONE:90005007] - Talk to Barkeep
3.[ZONE:90005493] - Talk to Barkeep
4.[ZONE:90005498] - Talk to Barkeep
5.[ZONE:90005498] - Talk to Seafarer
[IMG:23] Currently here.
[IMG:01] The Country of Manannan mac Lir
I've never heard of the story of Claimh Solais, but I think that Tir Na nOg is the land of the sea god Manannan. Manannan controls the waves as he sees fit and protects Sailors. He seems to be more the king of an island surrounded by water as opposed to a landlocked area. Maybe Tir Na nOg isn't here, but it's an island more to the south?
[IMG:01] Southern island of Madeira
An island south of here? That could be Madeira. Oh, you're searching for a legendary Celtic kingdom? There is a story that black-haired Celts in this area headed south a long time ago. And they say there were people with black hair and eyes and white skin on an island to the south.
[IMG:01] The uninhabited isle of Madeira
You're wondering if Celts came to this island? Ha! You must be joking. Before it was discovered by Portugal, this island was uninhabited. But, further south, there's Las Palmas. I heard that people lived there from before.
[IMG:01] Guanchos
You're wondering if Celts came to this island? Aren't Celts blonde-haired and blue-eyes? If those kind of people came here, some story would probably remain about it. Well, from a long time ago, a people known as the Guanches have lived here. Oh, that customer over there might know something.
[IMG:01] People in the southern island...
Before the arrival of the Portuguese, the Guanches practised a Stone Age way of life. People from Africa usually have black hair and skin, but the Guanches have white skin. Scholars have said that they might have been a Berber tribe. Well, what if they were somehow related to the Celts and the Berbers...
[IMG:06] Tir na n-og
It's possible tha the Guanches, the native people of Las Palmas, were a Berber tribe. Apparently, they had a Stone Age culture up until the time the Portuguese arrived there. Where might there be a town many Berbers live in? You should get some advice at the guild there.
Does this quest requires any prequests? I already did 1 and 2 of the quest chains. I have 120k adv fame and used about 70+ qmps and it wont show up.
from jap wiki...it says...without the requirement language..it will be quite hard to be spawn...
It is hard to spawn indeed. A lot of qmps and no language requirement.