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Painting from England
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
You know much about English art? England internal struggles over the years haven't left much time for the arts, but there are several foreign artists that work in England, and we would like you to go see their work. Start in London.



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1.[ZONE:90005173] - Palace Guard
2.[ZONE:90005173] - talk with Craftsman
3.[ZONE:90005181] - [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Palace artists from overseas
In our nation, we are always looking for talented individuals, regardless of from where they hail. Therefore, there are many foreigners in the palace, other than artists. If you are looking for a painter, there is a court artist by the name of Hans Holbein. Apparently his father was an artist of the same name. The Craftsman should know more.
[IMG:01] 2. Friend from Germany
Hans Holbein is from the inland areas of Germany. He is friends with the astronomer Kratzer, also from Germany. Holbein paints pictures that are almost splitting images of the original. I think Kratzer's portrait was in the archives. Maybe the scholars are from Germany as well.
[IMG:06] 3. Astonomer's portrait
The archives in London hold a portrait drawn by Hans Holbein the Younger. I should go find it. A "Search" at the archives should do the trick.
Discover Experience 230, card experience 57
Acquire: history of oil painting techniques, adventure experince 100, fame 90,
- Discovery
Portrait of Nicholas Kratzer ★★ (Work of art) Exp:230 Fame:100
A painting by the younger Hans Holbein. The characteristic trait of his paintings is their extreme realism. The subject of the painting is Nicholas, an astronomer to the English Royal palace, and so the tools of astronomy have been included in this portrait.