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        Safety of the western seas
        No Expiration
        Seville Adventurer's Guild
        It has been a while now since the Western Seas have been opened up for travel, but it seems the eye of the law has not quite reached certain areas. They need a geographical survey done in order to combat pirates. Talk to the port official in Santo Domingo for details.
        •  Member
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                  1. Santo Domingo - Talk to Port Official
                  2. Antilles, Open Sea - Use Observe and Recognition at 13300,3995 (by the tiny island west of Santo Domingo)

                  1. The gathering place of pirates
                  There are many pirates here? There is a cape on the southwest coast this island where Santo Domingo lies. It must be the small island north of there. There appears to be a pirate hideout there

                  2. A region where the eyes of home do not reach
                  The waters around Santo Domingo are far from the home country, so pirates are able to move about freely. There is a cape on the southwest shore of the same island as Santo Domingo. There seems to be a pirate hideout near the small island to the north of there. Use "Recognition" around the small island to survey the geography

                  Quest Mediation Permit

                  Caribbean Sea

                  발견시 경험치 360, 카드 경험치 90
                  보고시 경험치 150, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

                    • Discovery
                    • Caribbean Sea ★★ (Geography) Exp:360 Fame:180
                      An area of sea that extends between North America and South America. There are a lot of islands here and the natives live side-by-side with a wealth of nature. Its ecosystem is quite different from Europe, Africa, and India.

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