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              Talisman of ancient Egypt
              No Expiration
              Istanbul Adventurer's Guild
              In ancient Eygpt, it seems people frequently worshipped animals such as cats and dogs. Maybe they made temples and statues in there honour, too? I think they also had talismans based on animals, so I would like you to search for one. Gather information in Alexandria. But make sure they don't put a curse on you. Ha Ha Ha!
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                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005435] - Talk to shopkeeper 2.[ZONE:90005455] - Talk to the Scholar 3.[ZONE:90002019] - [SKILL:30000035] & [SKILL:30000020] on the left side of the entrance to the pyramid [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01]1. From king through to peasant A talisman? They say that way back, from the royal family to the little people, everyone had an insect lucky charm. Of course, those of the royal family were of gold or jewels. Wonder why the charms were of insects.... I haven't the slightest, but the town scholar, he would know, wouldn't he? [IMG:01]2. Personification of the sun god That's the thing about the scarab. Has the habit of rolling up and carrying away animal dung, and was apparently considered an incarnate of the god of the rising sun. Also, it was believed that they suddenly metamorphasized into imagos of the earth, being thus regenerating insects. Research points to everyone having carried one in ancient times. [IMG:06]3. Popular charm Seems the scarab talisman was widespread amongst the ancient Eygptians. Search round the area of the pyramids. Disembark at the shore opposite Cairo, and best then to proceed far inland. Check the entrance to the pyramids. [DBLINK:90002019] Discovery Reward : [DBLINK:00520900] 495 Adventure exp Discovery Card : [DBLINK:70000223] 247 Adventure exp Reporting Reward : [DBLINK:01500232] 160 Adventure exp ,85 Adventure fame

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                        • Gold Scarab ★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:495 Fame:210
                          The scarab beetle is a type of dung beetle that rolls animal excrement into balls and lays eggs in them. In ancient Egypt, this practice called to mind the movement of the sun, causing them to treat the scarab as sacred. They were used for talismans.

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