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      The Rhine Gold
      No Expiration
      Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
      Do you remember the "The Rheingold" from The Song of the Nibelungs? It was the ingredient for the ring which would give all the power of the world to the bearer. In the legend, the ring sunk to the bottom of the Rhine River and became lost, but in every region there is someone who claims to have had the ring.
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                [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005272] - Talk to Man Of The Sea 5x (Behind the Craft Shop) 6.[ZONE:90005390] - Seafarer Required pre-quest [IMG:31][QUEST:99993638] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] The Rhine Gold [IMG:22][QUEST:99993681] [IMG:23][QUEST:99993660] [IMG:24][QUEST:99993663] [IMG:25][QUEST:99994921] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. The Birth of the ring According to a local legend called "Saga" the gold of the Rhine was held by Alberich, king of the Nibelungs. A ring made from the gold of the Rhine will grant its wearer ownership of all things in the entire world, but only one who has abandoned love can make it. The gods thought this would be enough to prevent the ring from ever being made, but Alberich, who knew nothing of love, was able to make the ring. [IMG:01] 2. Alberich's curse The gods became furious at Alberich who misused the power of the ring so Loki, one of the gods, was appointed to take the ring from him. Alberich put a curse on the ring such that "he who obtains this ring shall be bound by it and lose everything" and disappears into the underworld. The ring was then presented to Odin by Loki. [IMG:01] 3. A ring passed onto the Giants Because a prophecy was made that said if the ring was kept in their hands a war of the gods resulting in the end of the world would ensue, Odin tearfully gives the ring up to the race of giants. However, at the time Alberich was planning a war on the gods to take back his ring. Although I suppose Odin thought he was much more suited to keep the ring than Alberich. [IMG:01] 4. Odin's ambition Odin wants to take the ring back from the giants but he is unable to due to the agreement he made with them. So, Odin comes up with a plan to have the human Sigurd who is descended from Odin to take back the ring for him. Meanwhile Odin orders the Valkyries to carry the souls of any courageous, valiant human up to Valhalla to prepare for the battle that was to come. [IMG:01] 5. Sigurd That's about all the legends related to the gold of the Rhine that I can think of. If you want to know more about Sigurd you should head over to Denmark. I'm sure someone in Copenhagen can tell you more about him. [IMG:01] 6. A Danish hero That Sigurd you speak of is most likely the same person as Siegfried in "The Song of the Nibelungs". In the "Saga" he is grandson of Volsung, the great grandson of Odin himself. His father died in battle and because his mother remarried with the prince of Denmark he is said to have been raised under the king of Denmark. [IMG:06] 7. The Rhine Gold A ring made from the gold of the Rhine will grant its wearer control over the entire world. The ring made by the ruler of the underworld, Alberich, was taken from him by the gods and passed on to the giants because of an unlucky prophecy involving it. Alberich plans on taking the ring back and Odin, who wants the ring for himself, comes up with plan to make his direct descendent Sigurd get the ring back for him. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005390] 보고시 경험치 40, 명성 30, 의뢰 알선서 2 획득

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