Item cut from gemstone
No Expiration
Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
People with money to spare seem to waste it on creating meaningless items. Apparently, there's some container that was made by carving out a jewel. Some people are interested in knowing more about it, so go to Bordeaux, where it's been shipped.



1.[ZONE:90005242] - Talk to Craftsman
2.[ZONE:90005245] - Observe / Search [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020]
[IMG:01] 1. Craftsman
Oh, that? You must be talking about that Italian made lapis lazuli container, right? It was taken down to the port just the other day.
But, they're still trying to figure out which route to take it by land so ut's at the church for now. You could probably see it if you go there soon.
[IMG:06] 2. Bordeaux church
The container delivered to Bordeaux is in the church. Apparently it is on the left side in the pedestral here.