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        Raphael's Madonna and child
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        You've surely heard of the artist Raphael. Artists build their reputation on their religious artwork, and Raphael is no exception. Among his many religious works, there is apparently a piece heavily influenced by Da Vinci, of the Holy Mother. Find out more about it in Pisa.
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                      1. Pisa - Talk to Craftsman
                      2. Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Talk to Da Vinci
                      3. Genoa Church - Use Observe , Search to the left of the altar

                      1. Characteristics of Da Vinci's pictures
                      A painting heavily influenced by Da Vinci? I wonder which one that is... Raffaello did many paintings of the Madonna and Child. I guess a characteristic would be atmospheric perspective? Maybe you should just go and ask the man himself. Da Vinci, I mean. I think he lives in Marseilles now.

                      2. Think for yourself
                      Paintings with my influence? I couldn't care less what some youngster claims to have learned from my paintings. You have some knowledge of art, think for yourself. Fine, I can give you a hint. Find the female gardener at the church in Genoa. And use your head.

                      3. Meaning of the female gardener
                      "Female gardener" must be a hint pointing to the picture. Coming to think of it, Da Vinci's paintings pay a lot of attention to the finer details, down to the grass and flowers. Was he referring to the depiction of nature? Then, the female gardener must be the holy mother. I should check near the altar in the church in Genoa.

                      Quest Mediation Permit

                      Mary, Child, Young John


                      발견시 경험치 400, 카드 경험치 100
                      보고시 경험치 130, 명성 140, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                        • Discovery
                        • Mary, Child with St. John ★★★ (Work of art) Exp:440 Fame:185
                          A painting by Raphael. It's real name is Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist, but is known as la Belle Jardiniere for the beautiful garden painted as the background. The soft brushwork makes this a masterpiece.

                          also knows as "Raphael's Madonna and child"

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