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      King Dana
      No Expiration
      London Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request from a certain Scholar. They want you to investigate the King of Dana, "Nuada" from Celtic mythology. If it's about Celtic Mythology, you know where to go, right? Okay, take care of this.
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              [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005278] - Talk to Barkeep 2.[ZONE:90005278] - Talk to Merchant 3.[ZONE:90005278] - Talk to Seafarer 4.[ZONE:90005279] - Talk to Monk 5.[ZONE:90005279] - Talk to Sister Pre-quest: [IMG:31][QUEST:99993557] [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] Currently here. [IMG:22][QUEST:99993475] [IMG:23][QUEST:99994114] [IMG:24][QUEST:99994370] [IMG:25][QUEST:99994000] [IMG:26][QUEST:99994109] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] King Nuada Nuada? He was a king of the people of Danann known for wielding the Sword of Light "Claimh Solais". He lost one of his arms fighting against the Fir Bolg, the native people of this island. Because of Celtic law, he was forced to give up the throne for some time. Oh? I think a customer here has something to say, too. [IMG:01] Airget-lamh / Agateram After losing an arm, Nuada eventually received a silver prosthetic arm from DIan Cecht. And, from then on, he was called "Airgetlam", which means "Silver Arm". When Nuada had been looked over for the kingship, the throne was taken by Bres, who possessed the blood of a rival tribe the Fomorians. And this eventually led to a civil war of sorts. [IMG:01] Bres King Bres's father was a Fomorian and his mother was from the people of Danann. He took the daughter of the Dagda, an elder of the people of Danann, as his wife. It's said he imposed heavy taxes on his subjects, so why would they allow him to be king? He enlisted help from the Fomorians when fighting the Fir Bolg, so he must have had something over the people. [IMG:01] A minstrel's power King Bres lost his throne when he was cursed by a song after providing a bard with bad hospitality. Nuada then reclaimed the kingship. You see, the words of ancient Celtic poets had amazing powers. By filling people's hearts with their songs, they could turn poems into reality. After Bres was deposed, he enlisted the aid of the Fomorians and engaged the people of Danann in battle. [IMG:01] Nuada's death In the middle of the conflict, Manannan and Lugh arrived from Tir Na Nog to come to Nuada's aid. But Nuada was later killed by a dragon controlled by the Fomorian king Balor. Lugh then defeated Balor and the dragon, and destroyed the Fomorians, to become king of the people of the Danann himself. Well, that's how the story goes... [IMG:06] King Dana Nuada was a king of the people of Danann. He wielded Claimh Solais, the Sword of Light. After losing an arm in a battle with the Fir Bolg, Dian Cecht fitted him with a prosthetic silver arm and he took on the nickname "Nuada Airgetlam". He was later killed by a dragon in a battle with the Fomorians. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005279]

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