- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
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- Required
Country of forests and water
No Expiration
Naples Adventurer's Guild
There are a lot of survey jobs coming in for the newly discovered Caribbean. This job is in the area too. Apparently there is a large island south of Cuba that appears to be too mountainous for colonization, but they want to be sure. Can you go check it out?



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Jamaica - Port Official; talk to
Antilles, Open Sea - outside
Jamaica Recognition 

1. Overflowing sunlight and the green sea
The name of this island means "land of forests and water" in our language. The climate is comfortable and we have a great view of the ocean. There are also a lot of mountains, some reaching an altitude of over 2000 meters. At first it seems like it would be difficult place to settle but actually the climate makes for a perfect place to grow coffee beans.

2. Information on the island of Jamaica
Jamaica means "land of forests and water" in their native tongue. It is a mountainous island but is also perfect for growing coffee beans. I should leave the port of Jamaica and survey the area around the island using the "
Recognition " command.
Perception of Explorer
The Island of Jamaica
- Discovery
The Island of Jamaica ★★ (Geography) Exp:360 Fame:180
A big island located to the south of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea. Mainly mountainous, the highlands are remarkably cool. Its complex coastline and deep waters make it suitable for harbours.