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            The Song of Roland
            No Expiration
            Marseille Adventurer's Guild
            It looks like you've gathered some general information about the Knight Roland. Continue finding out more about the life of Roland. If you go back and talk to the person you heard the story from before, they may know more details. I'm counting on you.
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                                      [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005622] - Talk to Barkeep 2.[ZONE:90005622] - Seafarer 3.[ZONE:90005243] - Talk to Barkeep 4.[ZONE:90005243] - Talk to Merchant 5.[ZONE:90005243] - Talk to Seafarer [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21][QUEST:99993465] [IMG:22][QUEST:99993441] [IMG:23] The Song of Roland [IMG:24][QUEST:99993477] [IMG:25][QUEST:99993999] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Marsilius of the Umayyad Caliphate One of the reasons why Roland is such a popular figure is because people sympathise with his dramatic death. In the 8th century, Marsile of the Umayya Caliphate was battling with King Charlemagne's Frank army on the Iberian Peninsula, but suffering badly. He then decided to falsely agree to a peace treaty, only attack the Franks as they withdrew. [IMG:01] 2. Uncle's abhorrence Roland did not trust Marsile and insisted on fighting further. But, at the recommendation of Roland's uncle Ganelon, the king decided to make peace. Roland then proposed that "wise Ganelon" be selected as the messenger sent to meet Marsile. Becausethe work of a messenger was very dangerous, Ganelon despised Roland for nominating him. [IMG:01] 3. The betrayal of Earl Ganelon Marsile sent the messenger Ganelon money and asked him what he needed to do to make the king withdraw. To which Ganelon replied, "As long as Roland and his good friend Oliver are present, the king will not stop fighting. But, if you smite the two of them, the Frank army will never advance again." Imagine betraying your nephew for money. What a terrible villain. [IMG:01] 4. Supporting Roland When the Franks withdrew, Ganelon assumed that Roland would take up the flank. Roland did receive the honour of taking up the rear. But, for some time, neither her nor the 12 knights who accompanied him notice the pursuit of Marsile's army of 400,000 men. They finally spotted the enemy when they came to Roncevaux Pass. [IMG:01] 5. Roland's death Roland had only 20,000 men, so Oliver yelled at him to blow his horn and call forhelp. But Roland replied, "The purpose of the flank is to allow the army to withdraw safely. "Oliver and the 12 knights then resolver themselves to fight. When the king realised something was wrong and came to the battlefield, he found all 12 knights dead and Roland's corpse clutching his sword. [IMG:06] 6. The Song of Roland In the 8th century, King Charlemagne fought agains the Umayya Caliphate. Ganelon, who despised Roland, conspired with Marsile so that Marsile's army of 400,000 soldiers could attack Roland and his men at the flank of the Frank army. Roland fought heroically, but, when the king came to the battlefield, he was found dead holding onto Durandal. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:90005243] 보고시 경험치 75, 명성 85, 의뢰 알선서 2 획득

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