Coral Sea
No Expiration
Marseille Adventurer's Guild
Have you sailed to those islands way over to the west? Apparently, it's a tropical paradise, making it a popular spot for pirates. The navy needs better maps to deal with them, so they'd like you to survey the islands west northwest of Jamaica.


*5000 Adventure fame needed
1.[ZONE:90000010] - Sail to Grand Cayman, then use [SKILL:30000035] and [SKILL:30000016]
[IMG:21] Coral Sea
[IMG:06] 1. Islands in a sea of coral
In order to crack down on the pirates a map is needed for various location in the Caribbean. I should use the "Recognition" command from Jamaica to the west north-western islands.
Discovery: 360 Adventure Experience
Card: 160 Adventure Experience and [DBLINK:70000645]
Report:150 Adventure Experience, 85 Adventure Fame and [DBLINK:00514800]