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        Aesop's fables
        No Expiration
        Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
        This request is from a certain Author. They are doing research on old fables, but there are insufficient documents. They want to request that you collect documents. They want Spanish documents, so go to the Library of Seville and put together documents on fables.
        •  Member
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                [IMG19,Quest guide]
                1. Seville Archives - Talk to the Scholar
                2. Seville Archives - Art Browse the Art book x3

                [IMG16,Obtained info]
                1. Seville library
                Old fables? How about Aesop's Fables? There are a number of translations for Aesop's Fables. In this library, we also have the Spanish version. If you want to see it, look for it on the Art bookcase.

                2. The Tale of The Horse and The Donkey
                A horse and a donkey were walking along hauling some luggage. "Mr. Horse, could you please carry a bit of my load?" The horse refused the request from the donkey. The donkey could not bear the weight of the luggage and ended up dying. Because the horse wouldn't even carry a little of the luggage, he ended up carrying all of it.

                3. The Tale of the Lion in Love
                A long, long time ago there was a lion who fell in love with a farm girl. The lion asked his father to let him marry the farm girl and the father told him that if he went there with his claws and fangs, the farm girl would be scared and decline to be his wife. The lion took these off and went as a weaponless lion, only to be beaten off with a stick.

                4. The Tale of the Wisdom of the Mice
                There were some mice that were concerned that one by one their friends were being eaten by a cat. One of the mice suggested that if they hung a bell around the cat's neck, they could hear the cat coming. Everyone agreed to this. Now they wouldn't be eaten by the cat. "And who will hang the bell around the cat's neck?"

                5. Seville archives
                I read the Spanish version of Aesop's Fables in the Library of Seville. There are various translations of Aesop's Fables. I was able to read enough of the documents.

                Quest Mediation Permit


                보고시 경험치 20, 명성 16, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득

                    I only received 8 adventure fame with an adventure job.

                    it's a 3 star quest, what did you expect? Unicorns with banners and cherubs with trumpets?

                    Yes! Yes! I want trumpets!

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