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Relayed by legends
No Expiration
London Adventurer's Guild
Saint George is also known as Saint Georgious. But there really are a lot of different legends about him. If you redouble your efforts and go out and look up the legends in each area, then the young Lord will be really happy. Go to Ireland, France, and Spain and ask around.



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Bard ([ZONE:90005173] - Royal Fountain)
Young Painter ([ZONE:90005173] - Royal Fountain)
Scholar ([ZONE:90005113])
Priest ([ZONE:90005002])
Young Noble ([ZONE:90005205] -Royal Side)
[IMG:23] Relayed by legends
[IMG:01] The legend of England I
The legend of St. George? That would be the end of the 3rd century! He wears a suit of plate armour with a cloak bearing the crest of a red cross on a white background, rides in on a horse with a spear in one hand and slays the dra... Wait, this is the 3rd century we're talking about right? Were there even knights that wore plate armour in the 3rd century?
[IMG:01]The legend of England 2
I heard a story from my grandfather about St. George being a priest of ALexandria. During his missionary work in Libya on the continent of Africa he defeated a dragon of Satan and saved a princess named Sabra from being sacrificed. Priests sure were pretty courageous back then!
[IMG:01]The legend of France
St. George was the leader of the Roman Empire's imperial guard. He slew a dragon to save the Cleadrine, the princess of Jerusalem and eventually the two were married. Then... I think he was executed in Nicomedia to the east of Istanbul. Wouldn't the leader of the imperial guard need to stay with the emperor though? I wonder why they killed him?
[IMG:01]The legend of Spain
St. George carried his holy blade Ascalon with him and spent his entire life slaying dragons to rid this world of Lucifer's minions of evil. When we fought the heretics in Reconquista, St. George was always by our side protecting us from the evils we fought against. He trully is a most reliable saint.
[IMG:01] Is Ascalon real?
What?! You mean, there's really that many different legends about St. George?! Hmm, I'm not sure the Ascalon really exists any more... I mean come on, Libya? Jerusalem? Those places are totally different! It's a mystery! A mystery I tell you!
[IMG:06] Relayed by legends
It seems as though there are many different versions of St. George's legends. The name of the princess he saves, the town in which he slays the dragon, even the details about his birth and his job vary in some versions. I wonder why there are so many conflicting stories?
Reward is 100,000 ducats and 3qmps.