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Spear of the Cuchulainn
No Expiration
Lisbon Adventurer's Guild
This request is also from a certain scholar. They seem to have an interest in Cu Chulainn's Gae Bulg and they want you to investigate it.
How about you start from the "Land of the Celts" which is Nantes?

- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[ZONE:90005247] - Talk to Port Official
2.[ZONE:90005249] - talk to Priest
[IMG:22]Currently here
[IMG:01] Sea monster's bones
Gae Bolg? Ah, the spear the witch Scathach made out of the bone of a giant sea monster? Well, I'm thinking it was probably the bone of a whale. Oh, right. You know, the priest knows a great many things.
[IMG:01] The ill-fated spear
Gae Bolg? It's said that spear brings misfortune to whoever wields it. Maybe not something you should pry into... It was apparently made from a giant sea monster. But if you've never seen that kind of thing, you can't understand it, right?
[IMG:06] Spear of Cuchulainn
Gae Bolg was made from the bone of a giant sea monster. You've seen a creature like that, right? Return to the guild and make a report.