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Procure cannonballs
No Expiration
Lisbon Maritime Guild
실력가인 자네이기에, 부탁할 수 있는 의뢰이다. 위험한 지역에 운반을 해주지 않겠는가? 포탄을 20상자 정도 조달해서, 수에즈까지 보내주면 좋겠네, 그 해역은 해적들이 많아서 큰일이지만, 부탁받아 주겠나? 포탄은 이 도시에서 매입할 수 있네.


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[IMG19,Quest guide]
Suez 도시관리에게
Cannon Shot 포탄 20 배달
2. 퀘스트 완료 후
Suez 로 자동변경

포탄의 조달
Suez [IMG:10]
Cannon Shot 포탄 0/ 20
도시관리 (수에즈)
Cannon Shot 포탄
오오! 기다리고 있었다구, 포탄 20상자이지? 이것으로 이슬람 사략함대와 싸우고 있는 전선 부대를 원조할 수 있다. …라고 말하고 싶지만 실은….

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Hmmm... something appears broken here. Unless there has been some very recent change, upon completion this quest changes to something like "The courier who got involved", that then has you fight 10 galleasses near Suez and grants you the card for Supply Corps job.
This job quest is actually called "Procure cannonballs". Since the link to the second half of this quest is still broken (for now?), I edited in the remaining steps. Also, I faced 6 enemy row boats, not 10, but I was in a fleet of 3, so maybe that affected the enemy numbers.
It does, apparently. 4 of em solo
There's a way to use the canal to do the quest, use aide production to make cannonball, then take it out from Suez bank, but it cost more than 1m fee to pick up cannonball from Suez.
but time is money.
Alternatively, I believe that since this quest doesn't have a timer attached to it you could use a
Crystal of Blessing item with
Poseidon's Blessing as your chosen effect to enable temporary transport of trade goods through the Suez Canal, with the required amount of cannonballs in your cargo. It'd be quicker than sailing there normally, and cheaper than Ray's proposed method.
On the other hand, Crystals of Blessing aren't always obtainable, and could possibly be put to better use depending on your playstyle. As with all things UWO: choose the route that best suits you. Cheers.
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