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        Tracing an adolescent king
        No Expiration
        Portobelo Adventurer's Guild
        This request is from the Scholar of Merida.It is said that there have been many civilizations that flourished around here. There is one civilization in particular that he would like you to investigate. The Scholar can tell you more.
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                  [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1.[ZONE:90005734] Travelling Scholar 2.[ZONE:90005734] High Priest x2 4.[ZONE:90001071] West from stacked boulders [SKILL:30000035][SKILL:30000020] [IMG:17] [IMG:21] Tracing an adolcent king [IMG:22][QUEST:99994862] [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. The culture of Teotihuacan I'm glad you came. Do you know about the Teotihuacan civilisation? I've heard that it prospered in the kand west of here near Veracruz a great many years ago. Well, I'd like you to do some investigating about it. The High Priest here is very knowledgeable about history. Please ask what he knows. [IMG:01] 2. Story of the earth 1 Teotihuacan means "city of the gods". This name was given to it by the Aztecs who came to this land at a later time. It's said that the Teotihuacan army took control of a town located south of here. They then established a new dynasty by giving the kingship to a boy named Yax Nuun Ayiin, ho was a member of the royal family. [IMG:01] 3. Story o the earth 2 A relief has actually been discovered near a landing spot west of Veracruz. According to some Scholar, it depicts Yax Nuun Ayiin. Maybe that might help your research? It's supposed to be to the south of the landing spot. [IMG:06] 4. Yashu Nunain You accepted a job from a Scholar in Merida to investigate the Teotihuacan civilisation. As a result of your search, yu learned that there's a rlief to the south of a landing spot west of Veracruz. Apparently, it depicts a Teotihuacan royal. You should investigate it immediately. [DBLINK:01500232] [DBLINK:70000916] [DBLINK:90001071] 발견시 경험치 210, 카드 경험치 52 보고시 경험치 195, 명성 70, 의뢰 알선서 4 획득

                    • Discovery
                    • The Relief of Yax Nuun Ayiin I ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:210 Fame:105
                      A royal relief said to have been brought here when Tikal came under the control of Teotihuacan. It is extremely large and completely covered with pictures.

                      SW point of the map

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