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      Crater That Houses a Goddess
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      Do you remember investigating on Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes, before? There's a request for you to investigate on a volcanic crater that's said to house the goddess Pele. Why don't you ask the Young Man in Hawaii about it?
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          The Volcano Goddess of Hawaii 3 5 1 Statue of Pele
          Kilauea Volcano (San Francisco unfinished map)

          1. Hawaii - Talk to Young Man (2x)

          2. Hawaiian Coast - Use Observe and Recognition just south of port

          Halema'uma'u Crater

          Goddess's Incarnation

          The crater that Pele lives in, huh. You must mean the crater on the Kilauea Volcano. It erupts without warning, so they say it's an incarnation of Pele who has a violent temper. There are even alters set up for prayers and offerings so that Pele's anger doesn't cause the volcano to erupt.

          Fear of the Crater

          That volcano erupts frequently, so you shouldn't go too close to the crater. If you do go though, please don't take any stones or plants from there. Those all belong to Pele, so it's said that if you take those with you, you'll get bad luck. Or maybe the volcano will erupt...

          Investigate the Crater

          The crater that the goddess Pele lives in seems to refer to the crater on the Kilauea Volcano. To observe the Kilauea Volcano, set sail from the town of Hawaii and check the southeastern coastal area of the island of Hawaii that the volcano is located on.

            • Discovery
            • Halema'uma'u Crater 0 (0) Exp:0 Fame:0
              A pit crater located within the much larger summit caldera of Kilauea in Hawaii.
              It is believed to be home to Pele, goddess of fire and volcanoes, according to the Hawaiian traditions.

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