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      A Certain Merchant's Misgivings
      No Expiration
      Athens Merchant's Guild
      This is a request from a merchant called Alvero. He's worried about 'what happened the other day,' and if possible needs you to lend him your strength. I don't know what he means by 'what happened the other day,' but... Actually, I don't really want to know. If you get what he's talking about, then you will almost certainly find him in the tavern.
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          Atlantis: Main Chain (accessible to all; required to unlock access to Atlantis + certain Adventure/Merchant/Maritime specific Atlantis quests)

          Legend of the Labyrinthos 6 8 4 Knossos Palace
          Land of the Legendary King 1 1 1 Cretan Pottery
          Egypt and Atlantis 1
          A Chance Meeting on the Sea of Atlas 1 1
          Aspiring a Pure World 1

          Atlantis: Merchant Quest Chain

          A Certain Merchant's Misgivings (this quest; must first have completed: Land of the Legendary King)
          A Lord and a Merchant 1
          Complete all 3 Solar Barge Imperial Quests (or use Secret Edict Completion Report to skip quests) and enter/discover Acropolis of Atlantis
          There Is No Time Like the Present 1
          What a Merchant Connects 1

          1. Athens Athens Tavern - Talk to Alvero
          2. Anping - Talk to Alvero (outside Chengtian Prefecture)
          3. Hangzhou - Talk to Customer (tall man dressed in green at the Tavern)
          4. Busan - Talk to Apprentice Soldier (in front of the Item Shop)
          5. Nagasaki - Talk to Alvero (in front of the eastern-most Mansion)
          6. Nagasaki Nagasaki Mansion - Talk to Alvero
          7. Nagasaki - Talk to Alvero

          Quest Complete. Note: this is a one-time quest and can only be repeated if a player who hasn't completed it is admiral and pulls/accepts it.

          Worrying Alvero
          Alvero's request was that you go with him to Asia. While investigating the 'vanishing continent,' you were followed by a gang with some Asian members, so he is concerned about the situation in Asia, where he would like to do trade. First, head to Anping.

          Koxinga's Story
          You were able to talk with Koxinga in Anping. He didn't know anything about why you were followed, but he said it would be no surprise if some people from Asia were watching the movements of the West. Now, go to the big city of Hangzhou, to look for more information. You may hear something if you go to a place where people gather, like a tavern.

          Qin Liangyu's Story
          When you visited a tavern in Hangzhou to collect information, you met Qin Liangyu. According to her, it's only natural that people from Asia were watching the West. Although, she said their aim would most certainly be collecting general information, not spying on specific people's affairs. Try going to Busan to get some more information.

          Yi Sun-sin's Story
          In Busan, Yi Sun-sin' appeared while you were talking to an Apprentice Soldier. He placed more importance in focusing on his own country than the West. After seeing such pride and conviction, Alvero remarks that you have gained something more than you originally set out to. You end your information gathering in Busan there, and last of all will visit Nagasaki.

          Alvero's Concerns are Somewhat Resolved
          After talking with Date Masamune, you spoke to Alvero about what you both found out this time. His concerns aren't eased entirely, but after seeing the conditions in Asia for himself, he's realized there's nothing to be anxious about. It seems it's time to conclude your investigations.

          Alvero's Relief
          With Alvero, you asked around many places to find out about the people who followed you while you investigated the 'vanishing continent.' You couldn't dig up anything about their plan, but it seems the current state of affairs in Asia is calmer than Alvero thought. Finish your investigations here, and give your final report to the guild.

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