Actually, green-name Ganadors are just randomly chosen "free" Ganadors for the week and cost no Patriot Awards to access while they're available. Their stats/loot are tied to their corresponding normal Ganador right down to their usual color, which you can see if you look at their portrait closely. As for Maarten here, he's...
A orange-name Ganador, he can be challenged when the World Clock is set to the 17th Century's first through second periods, or if one equips
1st period, 17th Century /
2nd period, 17th Century titles or
Age effect (17th century) EX Effect equipment.
Additionally, you must have also defeated
Michiel de Ruyter once -- if you're able to conquer this Ganador, you will then unlock the more powerful version of
Maarten Tromp.
Can potentially drop the following when defeated:
Large Storm Sail
Nocturnal Wooden Paneling (removed on Maris)
Dutch Admiral Outfit
Aide Training (removed from Maris)
Praise to the Wise
Cannonsmith's Forging Tools (likely removed from Maris?)
Use マールテン・トロンプ with Ctrl-F to locate his Ganador map on the following page:
He'll be the red dot.