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  • The Inscription of Sostratus
    Sostratus of Cnidus, who was involved in the construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, secretly placed an inscription with his name on it within the foundation stone of the Lighthouse of Alexandria and covered it with mortar and engraved the then ruler's name, Ptolemy I Soter, on it.
    Sostratus of Cnidus apparently did this in order to earn his name in history.
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    Discovery Name: "The Inscription of Sostratus"
    Discovery Details: "Sostratus of Cnidus, who was involved in the construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, secretly placed an inscription with his name of it within the foundation stone of the Lighthouse of Alexandria and covered it with mortar and engraved the then ruler's name, Ptolemy I Soter, on it. Sostratus of Cnidus apparently did this in order to earn his name in history."

    Quest Name: Inscription in a Foundation Stone
    Skill Required: R6 Search, R8 Archaeology, Arabic

    Quest Details: It is said that the person who was involed with the building of the light house, Sostratus from Greece, left a message on foundation stone of the lighthouse for future generations. For anecdotes regarding one of the Seven Wonders of the World, perhaps you may be able to investigate about it in detail at the Archives in Alexandria.

    Quest obtained with 10-star clue "A Record of the Builder of the Lighthouse of Alexandria" from new Treasure Hunt Legend Regarding an Old Map

    Quest Guide:
    Alexandria Archives Read Archaeology x3
    Alexandria Exit the Archives and go all the way South. Use Search

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