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  • Felis
    A cat loving constellation established by a cat lover for other cat lovers.
    Lalande, a famous French astronomer, thought to be a huge cat lover, established this constellation as he felt sorry that there was not yet a cat among the constellations, though it seems that its name has yet to fully settle in.
  • ()
    Exp: Fame: Ducat:

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        Astronomical discovery. Name: Felis (Latin for "Cat")

        9-star adventure chronoquest "In the starry sky" (G.T.); chrono title given on quest completion is the "fifth period of the 18th Century". Can be found in both St. Petersburg and London at the adv. mediator (but only after the release of a mini-update between chapters 1 and 2 of Order of the Prince, which isn't out as of this posting).
        Required Pre-Discovery: Custos Messium
        Skills: Recognition (R9), Astronomy (R11), French (body language may be enough unless reading is required, but see below)
        1. Paris - Talk to the Museum Curator (in the Museum... obviously)
        2. Marseille - Scholar x2 (Archives; if book reading is required instead of just talking, then Romance translation notes are sold in town for non-French language players at the Interpreter)
        3. Use recognition in the Ligurian Sea (can be done immediately after setting sail from Marseille). Likely needs to be nighttime as well, but maybe not? I suppose you'll see soon enough.

        Source: www.gamecity.ne.jp/dol/topics_cms/update/7227.html (update advert; you can preview the discovery at the very bottom of the page)
        gvdb.mydns.jp/db/module/QuestDB/action/QuestShow?id=6021 (original guide)

        What can I say? I like cats. The rest I'll leave to you fine folks. Cheers. (vanishes)

        When i heard about server reset, the first thing that came on my mind is 'Will Guilder still playing ?', so i'm glad you still on here providing detailed information =)

        Quest name: Sending It to the Starry Skies
        Quest location: London Adventurers' Guild
        Skill requirement: r9 Recognition, r11 Astronomy, FRE(French)
        Pre-requisite discovery: Custos Messium discovery (from "Living Among the Skies" quest)

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