Historic Mongolian Texts
A text that records the Mongolian Phags pa scripts, and east Asian languages. Author unknown, with many copies in existence.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
pre-discovery - Stone fragment with Phags Pa characters
Character infortmation collection, chrono quest (14th century) from Naples (496k)
search r8, archaeology r10, Chinese
talk to Naples scholar
talk to Hangzhou scholar
discovery - Hangzhou archives
QMP, 10 royal fleets points
Quest name: Character information collection (Chrono Quest - 14th Century)
Quest location: Naples Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r8 Search, r10 Archaeology, CHN(Chinese)
Pre-requisite discovery: Stone fragment with Phags Pa characters discovery (from "disappearing characters" quest)
Additional notes: "Aftermath" part of Xanadu/Great Adventurer questchain
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